Recently the country’s leading car maker Maruti Suzuki India Limited launched the generation next Ertiga MPV in the Indian car market. According to the reports received from the sources in its new avatar the Ertiga is more bolder and dynamic than compared to its predecessor, not only in terms of cosmetic upgrades but also mechanically. Under the hood it is empowered with both the petrol and diesel engines, but the petrol variant receives the completely new powerful engine, thus replacing the existing one. It is reported that there are five determinants on the basis of which the new Ertiga can be considered better than its outgoing version.
Let us have the look of those five determinants which the Ertiga 2018 superior from its earlier generations:
1. New Design Philosophy: The new Ertiga is developed on new design philosophy, that helps in making it look bolder and dynamic. The front fascia receives the set of projector lens replacing the halogen headlamp, whereas the existing tail lamps have been replaced by the set of LED tail lamps. The front and rear bumper also undergo vast changes, thus changing the overall appearance of the MPV.
2. New petrol engine: The worth mentioning that has been introduced in the generation next Ertiga is introduction of new 1.5 litre K15 petrol engine that is capable of boosting the power of 105 hp at 6,000 rpm and the torque of 138 Nm at 4,400 rpm. The diesel variant continues to be offered with the existing 1.3 litre engine that churns the power of 90 hp at 4,400 rpm and the torque of 200 Nm at 1,750 rpm. The transmission duties are performed by five speed gearbox followed by an option of four speed torque converter automatic transmission system.
3. Dimension and the new platform: The generation next Ertiga is developed on the new Heartect platform that is also used for developing Swift, Dzire, Baleno and Ignis, thus minimizing the weight of MPV to a huge extent. Dimensionally, the new Ertiga is 99mm longer, 40mm wider, and 5mm tall than compared to its outgoing version. It is 4,395mm long, 1.735 mm wider, and 1.690 mm high and the wheelbase of 2,740mm, thus offering extra shoulder and leg space of the passengers at second and third rows.
4. Enlarged Boot Space: With an objective to offer comfort seating experience to the passengers of second and third rows, the new Ertiga is offered with enhanced boot space of 209 litres. Interestingly, folding the second and third rows seats the boot space can be enhanced to 803 litres, thus offering substantial space for keeping luggage and other stuffs.
5. Updates Interior: Apart from offering substantial boot space to the passengers, the interiors of the Ertiga 2018 receives bunch of various new features in form of SmartPlay Infotainment system that supports connectivity with Apple CarPlay, Android Auto and navigation. The list of other features include automatic climate control, rear parking sensor with camera, leather wrapped steering wheel, push-button start-stop, and height adjustable driver seat.